Frequently Asked Questions

Why do I need to have a account to help my friend?

Having a email address and password allows you to create and manage a Gestr club, book or cancel a meal, receive a reminder email, subscribe to updates, and display all of the Gestr clubs in which you have been invited to participate

Will you sell or share account information?

NO. Gestr does not sell or share any private details. We take privacy very seriously an do not share or sell personal information

How much does it cost to create or participate in Gestr club?

Nothing. To participate in a Gestr club is free for individuals, groups, organizations.

How do I setup a Gestr club?

Step 1:
Go to create a club located in the menu bar on website and put in details.
Step 2:
Fill out details for a club plus account tick box at bottom of signing up page.

How to find a Gestr club and participate?

To participate, have the recipient or organiser or a participant send you the unique web address that links you to the specific club, either within Gestr website or via Facebook, or personal email. Once you have received the unique web address, click it or copy and paste it in the browser bar. You will be directed to your friends club ready to participate.

Can I edit the gest club after it started?

YES. The recipient or organiser can click on the edit button to make any changes you will find the edit button by opening club, and at top of the schedule page. Click on the make changes button found at top of profile page which will take to the schedule page were you will find edit button.

I have already created a club account but would like to upgrade to club plus. How do I do this?

From your club account, you will see option to upgrade account. Press the upgrade button and sign up for upgraded account

I am the recipient or organiser, but I am not seeing the make changes button?

The make changes button is found at the top of you club account.

Can I book a date for someone else?

Yes. The organiser or recipient can select a open date from the calendar and book the date for someone else by listing their name.

Who can view the Gestr club account?

Each Gestr club has a unique web address which acts like a key for entry to your club account. Only those that who have this unique address are able to participate. Your Gestr club information is not public.

How do I invite others to the club?

When viewing your profile click on any of in the invite links to invite others through facebook, twitter or email.

Can I change my date?

Yes. From the profile page select the make changes button and edit new date

What if I realise at the last minute that I cannot deliver a meal?

Please call the meal recipient or organiser to let them know you won’t be making the schedule delivery.

How can I participate if I do not live near the recipient or cannot cook?

Send the recipient a Gestr food. Or donate money via donate button.

What is the donate feature for?

Gestr make it simple for to allow everyone to participate in a way that work for them. By using the donate button this allows the recipient to receive funds for everyday expenses.

Will Gestrs charge recipient or donors any fees??

NO. Donations work through third party apps. does not take any fees.

*If there are open days after your delivery, make enough for leftovers, freezer meals work well.
*Don’t forget the extras like drinks, condiments, and salad dressings.
*If possible, deliver your meals in a recyclable or reusable container.
*Be sure to label any items that you would like returned. Include a carrier bag so recipient can use to store your items until you can arrange a pick-up date.
*As a nice added bonus bring breakfast food for the following morning such as bagels, fruit, or Gestr eats breakfast.
*Heads Up- let recipient know that your on the way.
*If you don’t live nearby or cant cook, consider sending a Gestr meal. Recipient can benefit with at least 3 meals for the week, including breakfast lunch, meal.